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All Resources & Insights

Braille Printer Comparison Chart

Braille Printer Comparison Chart

Braille Printers NanoPac will be pleased to help you select the best Braille printer for your needs.  Braille printers, (Braille Embossers), work best with Braille translation software such as Duxbury. Click on one of the Brailler links below for more information:...

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Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy: Although diabetes does not necessarily lead to diabetic retinopathy, people with the diabetic retinopathy may experience a condition in which their diabetes causes blood vessels that feed the retina of the eye to break. The resulting damage may...

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Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a serious eye disease caused by a build-up of pressure in the eye that damages the optic nerve which transmits impulses to the brain that create sight. Glaucoma affects side vision causing the edges of the visual field to fade, although glaucoma...

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Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP): Retinitis Pigmentosa is actually a group of inherited diseases that affect the retina of the eye causing a degeneration of photoreceptor cells. These cells are what capture light enabling us to see. When these cells degenerate, patients...

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Cataracts: Cataracts are a clouding of the eye's lens that causes blurriness and loss of vision. The word cataract literally means waterfall and when a cataract is severe it's like trying to see through a waterfall. Cataracts occur when the protein that makes up the...

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Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration  or Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Macular degeneration or age related macular degeneration is a degenerative disease of the retina that causes progressive loss of vision in the center of the eye. There are two types of age-related macular...

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For the many people who need help reading text and seeing details because of low vision, traditional magnifying glasses work only up to a point. The RUBY video magnifier takes handheld magnification to the next level and beyond. The RUBY’s 4-inch, full color, high...
front view image of the BrailleTrac Braille Embosser

BrailleTrac 120

Braille Trac 120 – Leading Braille & Tactile Graphics Embosser

Mountainbatten Brailler Tutor showing top view

Mountbatten Brailler Tutor

The Mountbatten Brailler Tutor is the complete Braille learning center for children and their teachers. As a professional resource, the Mountbatten Brailler Tutor offers exceptional connectivity and software to simultaneously support flexible teaching and educational...
Image of the Monarch laying flat with a tactile chart on the display


This highly innovative technology along with the development of a new dynamic file type that will bring braille and graphics together in a navigable file, will bridge the existing educational gap for all blind students.

Photo of the a computer with the ZoomText Logo on the screen with the product box for the ZoomText software sitting on the left-hand side of the computer screen.


ZoomText Magnifier/Reader is a fully integrated magnification and reading program tailored for low-vision users. Magnifier/Reader enlarges and enhances everything on your computer screen, echoes your typing and essential program activity, and automatically reads documents, web pages, and emails.

Man using Merlin Mini to read a document

Merlin Mini

Merlin mini offers the same reading comfort, ease of use, and functionality as a desktop video magnifier – but in a compact and foldable design. The Merlin mini is available in your choice of a 15” or 17” screen. A 3-in-1 rotating camera allows you to magnify text and...

Reveal 16

Quick Overview Adjustable 16-inch screen Four large and contrasted buttons 10x magnification optical zoom Up to 45x digital magnification Real 1x Document overview Programmable contrast colors High-Resolution video output Polarized LEDs Optional battery available...
Index FanFold-D_V5 Braille Printer

Index FanFold-D V5

High-speed tractor-fed Braille embosser An enjoyable user interface User engineering We have put our users in the center of the design and development process of the user interface in order to connect the hardware and software design successfully to a truly...
Viewplus Elite 200

ViewPlus Elite 200 and Premier 100

        Elite 200               Premier 100 High-Volume Braille Production - Now With Tiger Graphics High-speed Braille along with Tiger super-high-resolution graphics Automatic double-sided embossing-no flipping the paper Production-strength hardware made for running...
image of the focus 40 braille display

Focus Braille Displays

The 5th Generation of the Focus 40 Blue Braille Display is more rugged and stronger than ever. We’ve built the housing from aluminum and steel, added bumpers to absorb shock, and physically isolated the Braille cells to create a Braille Display to meet the demands of the active user