About SuperNova
SuperNova is a range of assistive technology for people who are blind or partially sighted. You can rely on SuperNova to provide exceptional magnification, screen reading and braille support. It enables you to explore your computer screen and read on-screen information independently.
SuperNova Magnifier
- Magnify computer screen
- Customize color schemes
- Enhanced text smoothing
- Touchscreen magnification
- Use across multiple screens
- Connect to cameras
- Includes EasyReader Premium
- Includes one-year Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
SuperNova Magnifier & Speech
All features in SuperNova Magnifier plus:
- Human-sounding voices
- Reads content of web pages, emails and documents aloud
- Scan, print and read with audio
- Split speech and other audio
- Control voice reading speed
- Includes one-year SMA
SuperNova Magnifier & Screen Reader
All features in SuperNova Magnifier & Speech plus:
- Complete screen reader
- Explore with keyboard
- Announces punctuation, formatting, spelling errors and on-screen changes
- Braille display support
- Includes one-year SMA
Key Features:
Sharp Magnification
- Magnify 1.2 to 64 times
- Choose from 8 magnifier views
- Intuitive zoom on touchscreens
- True Fonts & Bold Fonts boost text clarity
- Sharpen and enhance images
View Comfortably
- 24 preset color schemes
- Customize your own color schemes
- High contrast mouse pointers
- Highlight and track text with a mouse pointer or keyboard cursor
Multiple Monitors
- Multi-task over two or more monitors
- Choose different magnifier views and color schemes on each monitor
- Deliver presentations at standard size while magnifying speaker notes
Text to Speech
- High quality, human-sounding voices
- Speaks as you type words, characters or both
- Read each word or sentence aloud
- Read entire document or web page aloud
Screen Reading
- Use Dolphin Cursor to explore the screen
- Customize amount of information announced
- Use the Item Finder to locate key elements in documents, web pages and apps for quick navigation
Connect & View
- Connect a document camera to turn your computer into a video magnifier
- Connect an interactive whiteboard to magnify presentations
- Scan text to read with speech
- Magnify and adjust colors
Braille Support
- Connect a braille display to read and input in braille
- Supports more than 50 literary and computer braille codes
- Compatible with 60+ braille display models
Scan and Read
- Built-in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) makes printed text accessible
- Connect a scanner to view and read print
- Scan and read text on images and inaccessible documents
More ways to Read
- Doc Reader reflows documents and web pages in a dedicated reading window
- Dolphin EasyReader provides access to over 40 accessible book libraries and talking newspaper services worldwide