Low Vision Products

Featured image of the CloverBook Pro XL from the front

CloverBook Pro XL

NEW CloverBook Pro XL from SightCare – a new, larger-screen version of the popular CloverBook Pro! Boasting a 16-inch touchscreen display, the CloverBook Pro XL not only gives more screen space, but also offers a wider scanning area so you can scan & read documents up to 11″x17″ in size.

Topaz OCR video Magnifier


It reads to you! Enjoy faster reading and better comprehension with less fatigue The multi-featured TOPAZ OCR magnifies and reads aloud any printed document. The clear voice, high-definition magnification and high contrast makes reading so much easier. Comfortably...
OrCam Read Girl sitting reading book with OrCam

OrCam Read LV

OrCam Read Product Description OrCam Read, for people with blindness, low vision, reading fatigue, reading difficulties including dyslexia, and for anyone who consumes large amounts of text, is a first-ever lightweight, handheld device with a smart camera that...
Kurzweil 1000 Box

Kurzweil 1000

Kurzweil 1000 is an advanced reading tool for people who are blind or severely visually impaired. It works on a personal computer in conjunction with a flatbed scanner and synthetic speech to convert the printed word into speech.

ZoomText Mini Keyboard Black Keys on White

Large-Print Bluetooth Mini Keyboards (MAC or Windows)

Black Keys on White Background White Keys on Black Background Black Keys on Yellow Background Large-Print Bluetooth Mini Keyboards Now available in three color combinations. Limited supply - Order today! The industry’s first large-print Bluetooth keyboard designed for...
One handed Keyboard Half-Qwerty

Half QWERTY One Handed Keyboard

Who are potential users? The Half QWERTY one handed keyboard is an excellent alternative for individuals who require one handed access to a standard keyboard.  Candidates are individuals with hand or arm injuries, one handed, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, RSI, Hemiplegia or...
Dolphin SuperNova Logo

Dolphin SuperNova

SuperNova is a range of assistive technology for people who are blind or partially sighted. You can rely on SuperNova to provide exceptional magnification, screen reading and braille support.

Ruby HD Reading pill bottle

Ruby HD

Crystal-clear Image in a Lightweight Handheld HD Video Magnifier The RUBY HD combines high-definition camera technology with a lightweight body to bring you crystal-clear images in a small package. The 4.3-inch screen and built-in LED lighting provide magnified...
Merlin VGA MAgnifier Base Only with Girl

Merlin Basic

Merlin Basic video magnifier offers many of the same features of our standard Merlin in a low cost package. Key Features: DVI output allows connection to any size computer monitor, LCD or Plasma television equipped with DVI inputs and image format of 16:9 or 16:10...
Merlin Elite Pro with man reading

Merlin elite Pro

  Full HD Video Magnifier & Full Page Text-to-Speech Merlin elite Pro will read your favorite book or article aloud with a simple push of a button. Read along with ease as the magnified text is displayed and read to you. View photographs and other images in...