Eyedaptic EYE5
Meet the EYE5 with EyeSwitch™! Equipped with patented simulated natural vision software, the new Eyedaptic EYE5 solution optimizes the user’s functional peripheral across a wide range of use cases. It does this through a small embedded camera that captures your environment, manipulates and enhances the pixels, and re-displays the image, all enabled with hands-free controls.
Key Features
- All-in-one user interface for easy control
- AutoZoom Mode for viewing text in a variety of situations
- Facial Detection to help see family and friends
- Contrast Enhancement Controls for further image enhancements
- 2-in-1 wearable and hand-held magnifier
Learn more about the EYE5 glasses or set up a demonstration with your local rep by calling us at 918-665-0329. You can view the pricing information here.