
Glaucoma is a serious eye disease caused by a build-up of pressure in the eye that damages the optic nerve which transmits impulses to the brain that create sight. Glaucoma affects side vision causing the edges of the visual field to fade, although glaucoma may also cause blank areas at the center of the eye. Symptoms of glaucoma include blurred vision, seeing colored rings around lights, loss of side vision, pain and redness in the eye. Often, however, glaucoma may happen slowly with no symptoms until damage is done. Once damage, due to glaucoma, occurs it can’t be reversed, but fast treatment with eye drops and/or laser surgery can prevent the glaucoma from progressing. Lifelong management of the glaucoma is required to prevent eye damage.

Typical reading solutions are desktop magnifiers.

Also See:
Age Related Macular Degeneration
Diabetic Retinopathy
Retinitis Pigmentosa