Blindness Products

Max TV Glasses Eschenbach

MAX TV Glasses

Maximize the size of TV screens with the easiest-to-fit, binocular, telescopic distance system ever introduced - MAXTV glasses! These hands-free, head-mounted glasses provide 2.1x magnification and can be adjusted so that each eye lens can be focused separately [±3...
Dolphin ScreenReader Logo

Dolphin ScreenReader

Dolphin ScreenReader is a fast, reliable screen reading software for people who are blind or visually impaired.

Image of the MagniLink iTAB from the side to see the desktop platform, tablet, and the camera overhead

MagniLink iTAB

MagniLink iTAB is a portable and flexible solution that makes it possible to use an LVI video magnifier with your iPad. 

Man using Merlin Mini to read a document

Merlin Mini

Merlin mini offers the same reading comfort, ease of use, and functionality as a desktop video magnifier – but in a compact and foldable design. The Merlin mini is available in your choice of a 15” or 17” screen. A 3-in-1 rotating camera allows you to magnify text and...
Kurzweil 1000 Box

Kurzweil 1000

Kurzweil 1000 is an advanced reading tool for people who are blind or severely visually impaired. It works on a personal computer in conjunction with a flatbed scanner and synthetic speech to convert the printed word into speech.

Blaze ET

Blaze ET Multiplayer with OCR

The New Book Player Everyone is Talking About… An Advanced Multi-Player with OCR for Books, Music, Documents, Podcasts, Recording, DAISY and More! Shipping May/June 2015! Blaze ET sets  a new standard for portable DAISY players. For the first time, blind  and visually...
image of the BrailleNote Touch Plus with the Main Menu Open on the display

BrailleNote Touch Plus

This powerful note taker, equipped with an ultra-fast processor, makes it easy to write assignments or create graphics without making noise.

OrCam Read

OrCam Read is an intuitive handheld device designed to create an independent, effortless and enjoyable reading experience for people with low vision and visual impairments including reading difficulties related to age-related vision loss, mild to moderate low vision or reading fatigue.

BrailleSheet 120

Highlights 120 characters/second – fastest wireless cut-sheet braille printer at the price! Quality double-sided braille – Library of Congress standard High-resolution tactile graphics – 8 dot heights for greater detail Automatically translate & emboss directly...
Adjustable Table Infinity 2 story

Infinity Adjustable Tables

This powered height-adjustable table is a wheelchair accessible activity table or computer workstation that’s as stylish as it is functional. Adjusts with the push of a button.